University of Illinois-Chicago, IL
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science
Adivsed by Prof. Debaleena Chattopadhyay at the UIC HCI Lab
Korea University, Seoul
M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
B.Eng. in Computer and Communication Engineering
Adivsed by Prof. Gerard J. Kim at the Digital Experience Laboratory
Ewha Womans University, Seoul
B.S. in Public Health
Department of Health Education and Management
Minor. Multimedia
Employment and Services
Internship: Ph.D. Researcher
AR team, Google (2022)
Mobile Vitals team, Google Health (2021)
Teaching Assistant
Department of Computer Science, UIC
CS141: Program Desgin II (2022 Spring)
CS111: Program Design I (2020 Spring)
CS425: Computer Graphics (2019 Fall)
CS422: User Interface Design and Programming (2019 - 2021)
Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science, UIC (2017-2020)
Departmemt of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University (2015-2016)
Peer Review
CHI 2022: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
ACMMM 2021: ACM International Conference on Multimedia
ISMAR 2021: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
OzChi 2020: Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
ISMAR 2020: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
CHI 2020: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  • C/C++, Java, Python, Android Development
  • OpenGL, OpenCV
  • HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, D3
  • Atlas. ti, Adobe Creative Suite (Premier, Photoshop)
  • Unity3D, 3Ds Max
Research Methods
  • Usability Testing, Client Interviewing, Requirements Analysis
  • User Study Design, Survey Design, Sketching
  • Data Visualization