JE Yu and D Chattopadhyay (2024). Reducing Search Space on Demand Helps Older Adults Find Mobile UI Features as Quickly as Younger Adults. CHI2024 (accepted)

JE Yu, N Parde, D Chattopadhyay (2023). “Where is history”: Toward Designing a Voice Assistant to help Older Adults locate Interface Features quickly. CHI2023 [pdf]

JE Yu, D Chattopadhyay (2020). “Maps are hard for me”: Identifying How Older Adults Struggle with Mobile Maps. ASSETS 2020 [pdf]

JE Yu, D Chattopadhyay (2020). Supporting Older Adults in Locating Mobile Interface Features with Voice Input. ASSETS 2020 [pdf]

N Sakhnini, JE Yu, D Chattopadhyay (2020). Personal Air Pollution Monitoring Technologies: User Practices and Preferences. HCI International 2020 [pdf]

Best Poster Honorable Mention
N Sakhnini, JE Yu, D Chattopadhyay (2018). myCityMeter: Helping Older Adults Manage the Environmental Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment. UbiComp/ISWC 2018 [pdf]

JE Yu, G J. Kim (2016). Blurry (Sticky) Finger: Proprioceptive Pointing and Selection of Distant Objects for Optical See-through based Augmented Reality. ICAT 2016 [pdf]

JE Yu, G J. Kim (2016). [Demo] Blurry (Sticky) Finger: Proprioceptive Pointing and Selection of Distant Objects for Optical See-through based Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2016 [pdf]

JE Yu, G J. Kim (2015). Resolving view difference between eye and camera for proprioceptive pointing and selection in augmented reality applications. VRST 2015 [pdf]

JE Yu, G J. Kim (2015). Eye Strain from Switching Focus in Optical See-through Displays. INTERACT 2015 [pdf]

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